Slaves in the Banks County, Ga. Presbyterian Churches.


Banks county was formed in 1858-1859 from parts of several counties. Hebron Presbyterian and New Lebanon Presbyterian churches were formed in the late 1700's and early 1800's.

New Lebanon was renamed Homer Presbyterian in 1866 and many of the names below are on microfilm at the Historical Foundation, Presbyterian and Reformed Church, Montreat, N. C..


Hebron Presbyterian Church


The first Sunday School in North Georgia was begun in 1819 at Hebron by Rev. John Harrison. One of the objects of the school was to teach the negroes to read the bible. The slaves attended "slave classes" where the whites instructed the slaves in the Shorter Catechism and the Bible, learning to read and write. The Ga. legislature passed a law forbidding the teaching of slaves to read and write. This was blamed on the Abolition movement.


Church records show the following colored members of Hebron Church:

Thomas Alexander

Hannah Baker

Louisa Baker

William Baker

Elizabeth Hunter

Emma Hunter

Frances Hunter

Terrissa Hunter

Hudson Mackie (McKie)

Joicy Mackie

Letha Mackie

Nancy Mackie

Pompey Mayes

Lorena McEntire

Sarah McEntire


New Lebanon Presbyterian Church, now known as Homer Presbyterian

Minutes of Session, June 7, 1827

26 charter members including two slaves; Mrs. Mayes' Pompey and William Turk's Nelly


August 26, 1860-three colored persons (Sarah and Clark belonging to Col. William Turk; and Berry, belonging to Samuel Johnston) received on profession of faith, along with some white folks. All were baptised.


September, 1860, Marthy, colored woman belonging to Samuel Johnston was examined by Session and "received into communion of the church by making a publick confession and was baptised." Her four children was also baptised.


SLAVES IN FULL COMMUNION, New Lebanon Presbyterian, Homer, Ga..


June 7, 1827

*Nelly, owner William Turk (* Charter members)

*Pompey, owner Mrs. Mayes


September 18, 1828

Savannah, owner William Turk

Jimmy, owner Thomas Bush, Esq.


September 25, 1830

Ben, owner Wiliam Turk


July 31, 1831

Matty, owner William Turk


October 7, 1832

George, owner William Turk

Allen, owner William Turk


October 12, 1833

Martin, owner William Turk

Joseph, owner David Adrian


October 14, 1833

Patience, owner A. Yancey


Nov. 10, 1839

Tabby, owner Mrs. Mayes


Sept. 8, 1844

Mary, William Turk


Aug. 18, 1845

Tildy, owner not stated


Mar. 27, 1853

Amanda, owner William Turk


Feb. 7, 1857

Matty, owner Col Wm. Turk-Matty was received by letter from Marietta Presbyterian church of Cobb County, Ga.


August 23, 11858

Neal, owner William Turk




Copyright 2004 by Jacqueline King

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