Banks County Journal


October 17, 1889


Mr. Idus Bowden closed his school his school here Friday. Mr. Bowden has made the people of Homer an excellent teacher, and it is a mistake with them that they do not have the academy repaired and continue their school throughout the winter season.


Mr. Bales, who was charged with stealing one of Mr. J. K. Thompson's oxen last fall, and committed to jail to await the action of the superior court, but gave bond for his appearance, with Mr. J.E. Strange as security, was brought back from Alabama, Sunday, where he had gone to escape the law. (Related article under Legal Documents section)


At the Presbyterian services Sunday morning, Mr. O.H. Chambers and wife were admitted to the church, after which their child, Mr. J. J. Turk's child, Mr. Jo. Telford's child, Mr. Jim Richie's child, were baptized. Mr. Cartledge preached an interesting sermon. The congregation was large.


Canker sores of every description, whether in the mouth, throat or stomach,are expelled from the system by the use of Ayer's Sarsparilla. No other remedy can compare with this as a cure for all diseases originating in impure or impoverished blood.


Saturday evening Mr. W.V. Presley entrapped 120 fish in his basket, and caught four with his line and hook. We supposed the law in this was like a great many other states-the catching of fish in baskets, nets etc. was prohibited. It should be.



Banks County Journal


March 01, 1906


Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sanders, a girl.


Dr. L. G. Hardman has announced for the Senate from this district.


Mr. J.J. Hill is still improving his town by putting up fences.


Have you ever seen nicer weather for the season that we have lately?


The announcement of G.W. Wiley for Tax Collector appears in this issue.


Dr. and Mrs. O.N. Harden spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Luther McDonald, of Bushville.


We are glad to note that Mrs. Lou Harden, who had been on the sick list, is much better.


Dr. and Mrs. J.D. Rice have returned from a visit to relatives in Durham, N.C.


Messrs. Clinton Ayres and Ellis Massey spent Saturday and Sunday in Atlanta.


A charming little lady has taken up her abode in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Langford.


Tom Watson's Magazine and the Banks County Journal both one year for $1.50. Subscribe through this office.


Progressive Farmer and Banks County Journal both papers one year $1.50


WANTED: Diatric Managers to post signs, advertise and distribute samples. Salary $18.00 weekly. $3 per day for expenses. State age and present empoyment. of ad is missing.



Belching and that sense of fullness so often experienced after eating cause by formation of gas. The stomach ails to perform its functions and the food ferments. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct the disorder. They aid digestion and strengthen and invigorate the stomach bowels. For sale by R.T. Thompson and J.N. Hill, Homer Ga.



Copy and Copyright 2003 by Jacqueline King

Background by Donna Brand