Agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Banks County,
will be sold at auction at the courthouse door of said county on the 1st Tuesday
in Nov. next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit:
1 tract of land lying in said county, in the 284 district G. M., adjoining
the lands of C. C. Roberts, Hiram Cash, James M. Keesler; land of the estate
of George Keesler, and the widow's dower, containing 129 acres more or less;
sold as the property of Henry C. Keesler, deceased.
This October 1st, 1889 Mary
E. Keesler, Administratrix
Published in the October 10th, 1889 issue of "Weekly
Transcribed 2005 by Jacqueline King